Newsletter - December 2020

Read Elementary School




1120 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI

Phone: (920)424-0172 Fax: (920)424-7592



School Website and Infinite Campus Contact Information

Please check the Read Website frequently for important information, important dates, Read's Family Handbook and more.  

Also, it is very important that all families have the most up to date contact information listed in Infinite Campus. With new visitor protocols and an increase in virtual learning, our school staff relies on this information to ensure you are receiving all the up to date school and classroom information. It is also very important that we can reach you quickly if your student is sick or there is an emergency.




In an effort to still track return to school dates for students as well as track accurate data for Winnebago county, we would like you to continue to notify your student's school when they have symptoms, have tested positive or have been a close contact/household contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.

Please either Call or Email:

The school Office 920-424-0172

School Nurse 920-424-0172 ext. 2203 or


Virtual Attendance/Participation

It is the parent's responsibility to take attendance (instructions below) on their child's virtual learning days. 

-If you do take attendance, it will be recorded as present and nothing will show up on your child's attendance tab.

-If you forget to take attendance, it will automatically change to "XDLD" (exempt digital learning day-virtual learning not verified) at 11:59 PM.  

-The system does not allow our office  to make any changes to your child's virtual day attendance.  Only the parent can check them in and if you forget, the XDLD will remain on your child's attendance.

Instructions for taking Virtual Attendance


Free Thermometer

Kinsa's FLUency School Health Program

This year, our school is partnering with Kinsa's FLUency School Health Program! This program provides parents and staff FREE thermometers and a smartphone app that helps to detect and respond to spreading illnesses. Below you will see a flyer that explains how to get your FREE thermometer. Each family can get one thermometer and yes, it's completely FREE!

We encourage each family to sign up for a free thermometer. The more sign-ups we have, the more we are able to accurately track, predict, and prevent spreading illnesses in our school. This is our goal! Even though we are currently virtual, it is still important to sign up, so that Read can continue to participate. Once the thermometers are delivered to our school, you will be notified. 

When you sign up in Kinsa app, you will join Read Elementary and will be able to see anonymous and aggregated information on what symptoms are going around Read. You have the option to share illness information with our school nurse. When sharing, no personally-identifiable information will be collected at any time. All communication through the Kinsa app can be anonymous and NO details about your child will ever be shared. 

Research shows that 40% of families don't have access to a thermometer, so we want to make sure all of our Read families have one!

Read Elementary Kinsa FLUency Flyer.pdf


Snowflake border png, Snowflake border png Transparent FREE for download on  WebStockReview 2020WINTER DRESS UP DAYS


MONDAY - Holiday Colors Day (red, green, blue, silver, white)

TUESDAY - Bundle Up Day (stocking cap, scarves, mittens)

WEDNESDAY - Ugly Sweater Day


FRIDAY - Pajama Day

Send photos to Photos will be shared on our school Facebook page as well as the school slideshow. 


Important Dates

11/30 to 12/4 Office is Closed

12/17 Material Pickup (More information to come)

12/23 to 1/3 Winter Break

1/4 to 1/8 Office is Closed



Please mark your calendars for the early dismissal dates this year.

School will dismiss at 12:30 nd there are NO 4K classes on Early Release Days.

December 9
January 6
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12



What is PBIS?

PBIS creates and maintains a safe and effective learning environment.

It ensures all students have social skills needed for success at school and beyond.

It provides a proactive system-wide framework for implementation.  

What is the purpose of PBIS?

The purpose is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. 

December's PBIS focus will be on growth mindset and perseverance.  There are so many challenges right now with virtual learning and we want to help our students know that they can do it!  

Family Involvement: During the month, have your student think about something that they don't know how to do....YET!  At the end of the month we would like to create a photo collage of all of the things our students learned how to do.  Please send all pictures to Mrs. McMillan at  

growth mindset.jpg



Read’s Literacy Team met on November 11th  

Upcoming literary events:

  1. A 2021 Read School  Hope Montage to build community and a sense of hope within our school family.

  1. Look forward to nightly bedtime stories during the month of January, read by various Read School staff members.



Click Below Mrs. Glad's
Virtual Learning Tips for Success


            Mrs.Neveau's Math Corner

                      For Mrs. Neveau's November Math News clink HERE



Mrs. Costello's Reading Corner

Click for Tips to Help Your Child Become a Better Reader

Kids Books Free Vector Art - (30,247 Free Downloads)




Curbside Pick Up & Drop Off

Read is offering Curbside Pick up! Just like the Public Library! Here is how it will work:

Grades 3 through 5, (or Kindergarten through 2nd with a grown ups help) can place a book on hold. Watch this video on “How to Place a Book on Hold”. Once the “Hold” is placed Ms. Bryden will see the hold in Destiny and pull the book off the shelf and then you will receive an email saying the item is ready for pick up.

When can you come and get/ exchange books? 

Starting Nov.3rd pick up will be Tuesdays and Thursdays  from 11-12:00 at Door #1, our Main Entrance.

Ms. Bryden will be ready with any holds you have requested! 

Curbside Pick Up