Newsletter - February 2020
School Day Schedule:
7:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Early Release Day - 7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Supervision on the playground starts at 7:30 a.m. First bell rings at 7:40. Final bell rings at 7:45 and the kids are to be in their seats ready to start the day.
Lunch Schedule:
First and Fifth Grade 10:50-11:10
Second and Fourth Grade 11:10-11:30
Kindergarten and Third Grade 11:30-11:50
Important Dates
2/3 One School One Book starts
2/10 Yearbook Orders Due
2/12 Early Release
4/20-4/24 Book Fair (more details to come)
Reminders from the Office
STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE TO SCHOOL: We have an number of students arriving late for school. Students are expected to be at school entering the building at 7:40 am when the first bell rings. If your student arrives in the building after the second bell at 7:45 am, they must stop at the office to check in and get a tardy pass before going to class.
PICK UP AFTER SCHOOL: For the safety of all students, please make sure that you are on time to pick up your child. You should be at school when students dismiss at 2:45 pm. If you are unable to be at school at 2:45 pm, you should make alternate arrangements for your child's pick up. Please make sure that you keep a consistent routine and that your child knows where to meet you.
AFTER SCHOOL SAFETY: In order to make sure our students here at Read are always safe, we ask that you please wait outside for your child to come to you at the end of the school day. We need to ensure that the only adults who have entered the school have done so through the proper safety protocol of being let in by the secretary through our buzzer system.
SENDING CASH TO SCHOOL: Please remember to send the correct change with your student(s) when paying for Field Trips, Pictures, Fundraisers, etc. Teachers do not have cash on hand in their classrooms to make change.
School Illnesses
Monday, January 6, 2020 the following message was sent out to all Oshkosh Area School District Families via Infinite campus.
The District is working closely with the Winnebago County Health Department to monitor and reduce illnesses within our schools. It is the District’s policy to alert families when potential health concerns arise in our schools. At this time, this message is precautionary and is meant to help raise awareness regarding illness in our schools and ask families to take important precautions to limit the spread of germs and illness. As a reminder, when calling your child’s school to report their absence, please relay the symptoms they are having to the school office so that the District can continue to report to the health department accurately.
If your child experiences respiratory symptoms, please keep them
home during their illness and for 24 hours following their illness. If they experience diarrhea and or vomiting they should remain at home for 48 hours after symptoms have subsided.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our schools and students healthy.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this notification, please contact your child’s school office or the Oshkosh Area School District Office of Pupil Services at 920.424.0113.
BRRRR...It's COLD outside!
With the weather being much cooler please make sure your child(ren) is dressed appropriately for school. Our district's guidelines are as follows:
- Below 50 degrees-coat required
- Between 50-60 degrees-Long sleeves needed
- 61 degrees and over -students choice (shorts are allowed)
- Boots, Snowpants and winter jackets are required to play on the snow.
- Also remember hats, gloves and scarves for extra warmth.
- Recesses will be outdoors unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or the wind chill is below zero.
Early Release Days
Please mark your calendars for the early dismissal dates this year. The city bus does pick up on early dismissal days. School will dismiss at 12:30 on the following Wednesdays. There are NO 4K or Early Childhood classes on Early Release Days:
- February 12th
- March 11th
- April 8th
- May 13th
Extra Change of Clothes
Please consider sending an extra change of clothes with you child to school. With the winter weather, the snow can soak through snow pants or get in boots. Also, some kids have accidents and this will save the hassle of having to bring clothes to school during the day.
Pre-Approved Absences
Any absences that will be in excess of 2 days must have a Pre-approved Absence form filled out and approved PRIOR to the absence. Forms are available in the office.
Out of Area Attendance/Open Enrollment 2020-2021
Please be aware of deadlines for the 2020/21 school year for applying for OUT OF AREA ATTENDANCE (attending a school of choice while living within the Oshkosh Area School District due by 2/28/20) and OPEN ENROLLMENT (attending an Oshkosh Area School District School while living outside of the Oshkosh attendance area - application period is from 2/3/20 to 4/30/20).
for the sheet that explains the deadlines and procedures. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Read's One School One Book is PIE, which will be read throughout the month of February. The youngest child in the family should have received the book (January 31st), along with a reading calendar, and explanation of the event, and an RSVP of Read's Literacy Night, which is coming up on March 3rd.
Third Grade Field Trips
2/14 Magic Tree House at the PAC
2/25 Sawyer Creek Orthodontics to learn about Dental Health
Math Corner with Mrs. Neveau, Math IST
Counselor News from Ms. Muenster!
Listed below are some of the topics that have been covered in recent weeks during classroom guidance lessons. Feel free to ask your student about them! Also, do not hesitate to contact me if you’d ever like to learn more or have any questions.
Kindergarten: What Size Is the Problem? The SIZE of the reaction should match the SIZE of the problem!
⧫ Small Problems: students can solve on their own
⧫ Medium Problems: students should try to solve on their own, but help might be needed
⧫ Big Problems: Someone is hurt or in danger; adult help is needed right away!
1st & 2nd Grade: How to Solve Problems
If the problem is small or medium (no one is hurt or in danger), then students have LOTS of things to try if something’s not going right! AND, if the first choice they try doesn’t work, they should try something different. Example: If you tell another student to “please stop” something they’re doing or saying, and they don’t, then try walking away or ignoring it. Students should try at least three different choices before asking an adult for help.
2nd Grade: Taking Responsibility!
Taking responsibility means being honest about what you say and do, and accepting consequences for actions. We practiced “blaming statements” (Ex. “He started it!”) vs. “taking responsibility statements” (“Yup, I did that. I’m sorry.”).
3rd Grade: Being Responsible
Students identified what jobs belong to them versus what jobs belong to teachers and parents. Students wrote about one job they’ve been leaving up to adults that they need to start taking more responsibility for.
4th Grade: Empathy and Tolerance
We’ve been talking a lot about “putting yourself in other people’s shoes,” in order to think about others might be feeling. We also discussed how our differences are just pieces of information to take in and accept, not something to judge or make fun of. Students had the opportunity to share with their class something others may not know about them.
5th Grade: Thinking Before Speaking and Respecting Individual Differences
Students learned about the difference between their “Thinking Bubble” and “Talking Bubble,” and how to use their Social Filter to make sure they’re using kind words.
We also talked about how differences are not bad, and they are to be respected. Everyone has had experiences that shape who they are.
Throughout the school year we discuss various ways we practice being safe such as fire drills, tornado drills, internet safety, the ALICE training as well as our protective behaviors unit. In classroom guidance time within the next few weeks, we will be talking about three major safety areas: who are the network of trusted adults your child can go to for help, a reminder of the warning signs in our bodies when we feel uncomfortable, and what to do if we are feeling unsafe.
REACH Counseling works in conjunction with the Oshkosh Area School District to provide classroom lessons on protective behaviors. This is a part of the school district’s classroom guidance curriculum. REACH counseling shares four major steps for if your child is in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation:
Say, “NO”!
Get away!
Tell a trusted adult.
Create a code word or phrase with your family.
REACH Counseling teachers talk about warning signs our body gives us when we are feeling uncomfortable or nervous. It could be a racing heart rate, sweaty palms, butterflies in our stomachs, or goose bumps. Each of us has a different response when we are nervous or uncomfortable. It’s important for your child to realize their own warning signs. When we get these warning signs it’s our body’s way of telling us something is wrong. A code word can be a good strategy so your child has a plan if they find themselves in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation.
The example that REACH Counseling teachers share is having a code word predetermined with your kid(s). The teacher uses the example “chicken nuggets.” For example if your child is at their friend’s house and find themselves in a situation where they are watching a show that makes them feel uncomfortable or situation occurs in which they get those warning signs in their body, they can call you and use the code word. They could call and say “Hey mom I just wanted to say thank you for making me those “chicken nuggets” for lunch.” As a parent, then you know they are telling you they feel uncomfortable and want to be picked up. It allows your child to call no matter what without having to explain they are feeling uncomfortable.
Safety can sometimes be difficult to talk about with your children. We sometimes might be worried that talking about it might be more harmful than helpful. However, research shows that giving them the tools and having those open conversations can be helpful in the long run. Many times our kids might not share with us in concern for getting in trouble. If we keep those lines of communication open, we open the door for them to come to us.
If you have questions or concerns about the presentation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kristin Muenster, School Counselor, (920) 424-0172 ext. 6488