Newsletter - February 2021

Read Elementary School




1120 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI

Phone: (920)424-0172 Fax: (920)424-7592



School Website and Infinite Campus Contact Information

Please check the Read Website frequently for important information, important dates, Read's Family Handbook and more.  

Also, it is very important that all families have the most up to date contact information listed in Infinite Campus. With new visitor protocols and an increase in virtual learning, our school staff relies on this information to ensure you are receiving all the up to date school and classroom information. It is also very important that we can reach you quickly if your student is sick or there is an emergency.



Here are some things your school nurse is asking you to do to help us return to school as safe as possible:

  • Notify me if you are currently under quarantine or isolation (

  • Continue to monitor your student’s health by using the OASD Student Daily Health Screen

    • If you are able to answer “yes” to any of the questions, DO NOT send your child or their siblings to school. Please notify the school that your child and siblings will be absent and state the reason for staying home.

    • We will call you to determine a return to school date. This is a new part of our job this year that can feel very invasive. We have to call and ask questions regarding your child’s health. Your cooperation will help us to follow the guidelines and continue to keep the doors open for in person learning. 

  • Don't send your child to school if anyone in your house:

    • is waiting for covid test results 

    • has a positive test result

    • is having symptoms consistent with covid.

  • Update your Infinite Campus contact information so we can get a hold of you if your children need to be picked up from school. If you can not do it yourself, please contact your school’s front office. 

  • Understand our team of covid contact tracers are following protocol from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Winnebago County Public Health Department. We follow these protocols to keep your children and the staff in our schools as safe as possible during a pandemic. 

  • If you have questions or concerns please contact me:


Reminders from the Office

STUDENT ARRIVAL TIMES: Students are to line up in their designated lines after 7:30am but prior to 7:40am. When the first bell rings at 7:40am if they are not already in their line, they need to come in through Door 1. If they arrive to school after the second bell at 7:45am they must stop at the office to check in before going to class as they are considered Tardy after 7:45am.

PICK-UP TIMES: For the safety of all students, please make sure that you are on time to pick up your child. You should be at school when students are dismissed at 2:45pm. They will be dismissed to the same area they line up in the morning. If you are unable to be at school at 2:45pm, ou should make alternate arrangements for your child's pick up.


Virtual Attendance/Participation

It is the parent's responsibility to take attendance (instructions below) on their child's virtual learning days. 

-If you do take attendance, it will be recorded as present and nothing will show up on your child's attendance tab.

-If you forget to take attendance, it will automatically change to "XDLD" (exempt digital learning day-virtual learning not verified) at 11:59 PM.  

-The system does not allow our office  to make any changes to your child's virtual day attendance.  Only the parent can check them in and if you forget, the XDLD will remain on your child's attendance.

Instructions for taking Virtual Attendance


Brrr It's Cold Outside!

With the weather being much colder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school. Our district's guidelines are as follows:

  • BELOW 50 DEGREES - Coats required
  • BETWEEN 50-60 DEGREES - Long sleeves needed
  • 61 DEGREES AND OVER - Students choice (shorts are allowed


  • Boots, Snowpants and Winter Jackets are required to play on the snow
  • Also remember hats, gloves and scarves for extra warmth
  • Recesses will be outdoors unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or the wind chill is below zero



Please mark your calendars for the early dismissal dates this year.

School will dismiss at 12:30 nd there are NO 4K classes on Early Release Days.


February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12


Updated OASD Free School Meal Distribution

Update as of Wednesday, February 3: Free school meals will be available at one distribution time and location only. The distribution will be Wednesdays from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Oshkosh West High School (main parking lot - enter on Taft Avenue and exit on Eagle Street). Those accessing free meals cannot enter the school parking lot until 4 p.m. to allow students and staff to safely exit the area before the distribution begins.

  • Free Family Food Boxes: In addition to a week’s worth of school meals, families will also be able to receive Farm to Family Food Boxes - a partnership with Feeding America. LEARN MORE

NOTE: No school meals will be sent home with students at the end of their in-person learning days at this time. Families looking for additional school meals for virtual learning days are asked to visit the distribution sites on Wednesdays to receive those meals.

Meal Distribution Details:

  1. Meals will be distributed for five days at a time and will include a breakfast, lunch, and supper for each day. 

  2. Milk will be offered with all meals. 

  3. Meals are available and are free to anyone age 18 and under. 

  4. Children do not need to be present to receive free meals, a parent/guardian or sibling may pick up meals. 

  5. Children do not need to be enrolled in the Oshkosh Area School District to receive free meals. 



Message from Mr. Geffers for PHY ED

As a reminder,  students to bring Gym shoes that are clean and TIE or velcro.  Crocks/slip-ons are not always safe for the activities they participate in.

Tying shoes clipart -


Virtual Conferences


Conferences will be Feb 16-19th 3-6pm

Sign up will be with individual teachers-more information will be coming out on this shortly. 



Picture retakes will take place on March 4th at the times listed below.

8am-9am In Person Students

9am-10am eAcademy Students

Camera clip art Stock Photos, Royalty Free Camera clip art Images |  Depositphotos®



What is PBIS?

PBIS creates and maintains a safe and effective learning environment. It ensures all students have social skills needed for success at school and beyond. It provides a proactive system-wide framework for implementation.  

What is the purpose of PBIS?

The purpose is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. 

Read's PBIS focus for the month of February is going to be Kindness.  Students will be: participating in a Kindness BINGO challenge, writing thank you notes to essential workers, learning why it's cool to be kind, and celebrating with a dress up week (more information to come on the dress up dates)!  

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day.  For more information on this day, visit

"In a world where you can be anything, be kind." -Unknown


CLICK the link below for 

February Kindness Dress Up Days


            Mrs.Neveau's Math Corner

                      For Mrs. Neveau's November Math News clink HERE