Newsletter - November 2019
Important Dates
Nov. 4th - PTO Meeting
Nov. 8th - Veteran's Day Celebration
Nov 8th - Read Family Night at the Herd game 7pm
Nov. 13th - Early Release (dismissed at 12:30)
Nov. 14th - Hansen Fundraiser Pick-up 2:45 - 5pm
Nov. 21st - Parent/Teacher Conferences 2nd-5th grade, 3 - 6pm
Nov, 25th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 2nd-5th grade, 3-6pm
Nov. 25th - School2Home Kindergarten-1st, 5-6:30 pm
Nov. 27th-29th - No School
WHAT: Read Winter Concert
WHEN: December 19th
WHERE: Alberta Kimball Auditorium
Time: 6pm
BRRRR...It's COLD outside!
With the weather being much cooler please make sure your child(ren) is dressed appropriately for school. Our district's guidelines are as follows:
- Below 50 degrees-coat required
- Between 50-60 degrees-Long sleeves needed
- 61 degrees and over -students choice (shorts are allowed)
- Boots, Snowpants and winter jackets are required to play on the snow.
- Also remember hats, gloves and scarves for extra warmth.
- Recesses will be outdoors unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or the wind chill is below zero.
Veteran's Day 2019-Read Celebrates!
To celebrate all who served the Read Media Center would love to display pictures of any service members of our Read Family that have or are serving in the U.S. Military.
If you’d like to participate please send a digitized photo (taking a picture with a phone works great) to: By Nov. 8th, 2019
Pictures will be displayed throughout the month of November in the Media Center.
November 14th is pick-up day for the Hansen Food orders from 2:45 until 5pm. All items must be picked up at this time. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Read Family Night with the Herd!
Tickets were pre-sold by the PTO for this event and will be in shortly. If you still want to attend tickets are only available at the box office.