Newsletter-October 2022

Read Elementary School




1120 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI

Phone: (920)424-0172 Fax: (920)424-7592



School Website and Infinite Campus Contact Information

Please check the Read Website frequently for important information, important dates, Read's Family Handbook and more.  

Also, it is very important that all families have the most up to date contact information listed in Infinite Campus. With new visitor protocols, our school staff relies on this information to ensure you are receiving all the up to date school and classroom information. It is also very important that we can reach you quickly if your student is sick or there is an emergency.


Please either Call or Email:

The school Office 920-424-0172

School Nurse 920-424-0172 ext. 2203 

Notes from the School Nurse

Let’s start off each day with a sparkle and a shine! We all know the importance of dental hygiene, but it's important to understand that there's more to it than just brushing your teeth. 

Here's what you need to know:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. 

  • Replace your toothbrush every 3 months.

  • Get regular cleanings with a dentist, every 6 months.

  • Skip the juice and soda, and go for water or milk instead.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email at


Tri-County Dental Bus Clinic

Read will be participating in the Free Dental Care Program through the Tri-County Dental Clinic again this year.  If your elementary school child(ren) are eligible for Free or reduced cost hot lunch, or have a Forward card from Medicaid (Badger Care) and DO NOT have private dental insurance, they can receive free dental care on the mobile unit.

There will be an initial screening by the dental clinic at Read Elementary School on  October 12th, 2022.

Registration forms for the free program were sent home with students. Please turn all forms into the school office ONLY if you wish for your child to have dental services

For those who qualify, if you have not completed  and/or turned your Dental Form, please fill out and return the form to the school office no later than OCTOBER 4th. If you need a form you can obtain one from the school office.




Parents and Children | Parent communication log, Clip art, Parent  communication

Click HERE for the Parent Conscious Discipline Corner



May be an image of text that says 'Bring your chairs and blankets! Come and learn how TDS Fiber is bringing their all fiber network to your neighborhood and enjoy family fun movie! TDS Movie OCTOBER Night FRIDOUE MOUIESTARTS AT DUSK* 7TH Free Entry 1120 ALGOMA BLUD, OSHKOSH, WI 54901 TDS Reps will be available starting at 5:30 PM until the movie starts GOODIL GUYS %22BAD the PIZZA ક POPCORN AVAILABLE DONATIONS WELCOME! APPRORIMATELY 7:00 PM'




Wisconsin Herd Unveils New Visual Identity |

Monday, November 10th, 2022

More information to follow


   SCHOOL CALENDAR 2022-2023



If your child is going to be absent or late for school for any reason, please contact the office at 920-424-0172.  If we are unable to speak to us directly, you may leave a message on the voice mail system to report the absence.  Please be specific when calling your child in. If it is an illness we do need to know all the symptoms the child is having as well as the best number to reach you at if we have any further questions. Absences are considered "unexcused" if we do not hear from a parent/guardian by 9 am.  Students who are absent from school more than 10 minutes of any part of the day without a proper excuse shall be recorded as unexcused.  A student who is absent less than 10 minutes of a day shall be recorded as tardy.  The time a student enters or leaves the building will be documented, and the system will calculate the absence accordingly and uniformly across the district.  Please keep this in mind as you schedule appointments for your children.  It is always best to schedule appointments during non-school hours.  Students are expected to be in class from 7:45 to 2:45 daily.


Winter-Concert-Image-1 - Great Hearts Archway Veritas, Serving Grades K-5

This years Winter Concert will be Monday, December 19, 2022 at Alberta Kimball Auditorium at 6pm. 

Happy Birthday Clipart Scrapbook - Cute Birthday Clipart Free - Free  Transparent PNG Download - PNGkey

Birthday Treats

& Invitations

Treats:  Edible birthday treats are NOT allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc. 

Invitations:  Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class.   If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too.  We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school.


REMINDER - School Picture Retake Day | St. Croix Elementary School

Picture Retake will be the morning of Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 

Network Photography would prefer you use the online ordering system for purchasing your pictures. If you do use a paper order, please make checks out to NETWORK PHOTOGRAPHY (NOT to Read Elementary) and mail it to Network Photography.

Any questions regarding picture day please contact
Robin Krewald at or 262-677-8662

Network Photography Online Ordering Link

We have a very limited amount of paper forms in the office, however you can print an order form by clicking on the link below.

Network Photography Printable Order Form Link


Specials - PE | Education clipart, Physical education ...

As we enter into another school year, separate gym shoes will be required for inside only usage. Thank you to all who have already sent shoes to school.  If you have not, please do so as soon as possible.

Thank You!

Mr. Pierce Geffers, Physical Education Teacher


Trunk or Treat Friday, October 27, 2017

Brought to you by Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church

More information to come


 This year we will NOT be having any early release days. One Friday a month will be set aside for Staff Professional Development and the students will have NO SCHOOL.  

For additional school days off please see the 2022-23 School Calendar

October 14

November 11th

December 9th

February 10th

March 10th

May 12th

RED SCHOOL HOUSE | Red school house, School scrapbook, Preschool clipart

After School Programs

The school day ends at 2:45 and students must be picked up at that time. If you are unable to pick up your student at this time and they are not able to walk home, students must then be enrolled in one of the after care programs that are available.

There is the YMCA after school program, which is held in house but run by the YMCA.  Registration is done online at the If you do not have internet access you can contact Eric at (920)230-8967.

The other after school program is the Boys & Girls club. A bus will pick them up from school and transport them to the club.  Registration is done online at  


At Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church on No School Fridays (due to staff Professional development). They need a signed Health & Permission form on file. You will need to sign up each month you want to attend. For October's Fun & One click the link below:

October Fun & One Sign-up


Mrs. Neveau's Math Corner

For Mrs. Neveau's March Math News click





Media Center / Section Home

At your student's first library visit, they learned about keeping books safe at home. Please help your student make a plan for keeping their Read library books safe! If you are willing to share a picture or drawing of your safe place for library books, please submit it to Mrs. Rucinsky (print or email) and your picture could be displayed on our Digital Display Board! Students brainstormed many great ideas of where they would store their books, and we can't wait to see what you come up with as a family! Please return the books back to school each week.

We are still missing many power supplies (aka chargers) from last year. If you still have a charger at home from when your student was bringing home their device, please label it clearly with their name and return it to the media center. Once received, any fines associated with the missing charger will come off of your account. We appreciate you returning this important piece of equipment so other Read students can use it and we can preserve our building funding.

Teri Rucinsky

Instructional Support Teacher: 

Media & Informational Literacy


Wisconsin Weather

With Wisconsin weather varying so much from day to day please make sure your child(ren) is dressed appropriately for school. Our district's guidelines are as follows:
  • Below 55 degrees-coat required
  • Between 55-60 degrees-Long sleeves needed
  • 61 degrees and over -students choice (shorts are allowed)


  • Boots, Snowpants and winter jackets are required to play on the snow.
  • Also remember hats, gloves and scarves for extra warmth.
  • Recesses will be outdoors unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or the wind chill is below zero.