Newsletter - October 2023
1120 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI
Phone: (920)424-0172 Fax: (920)424-7592
Emily Eisenschink, Principal
Jackie Morter, School Secretary
School Website and Infinite Campus Contact Information
Please check the Read Website frequently for important information, important dates, Read's Family Handbook and more.
Also, it is very important that all families have the most up to date contact information listed in Infinite Campus. With new visitor protocols, our school staff relies on this information to ensure you are receiving all the up to date school and classroom information. It is also very important that we can reach you quickly if your student is sick or there is an emergency.
ATTENDANCEIf your child is going to be absent or late for school for any reason, please contact the office. Please be specific when calling your child in. If it is an illness we do need to know all the symptoms the child is having as well as the best number to reach you at if we have any further questions. If there is a question on if a student should be at school or not, you may also call the office or school nurse. Unexcused and/or Tardy Absences are considered "unexcused" if we do not hear from a parent/guardian by 9 am. Students who are absent from school more than 10 minutes of any part of the day without a proper excuse shall be recorded as unexcused. A student who is absent less than 10 minutes of a day shall be recorded as tardy. To avoid unnecessary Unexcused absents, please give us a call or send and email to the secretary, attendance secretary or your students teacher. Appointments/Early Pick-ups The time a student enters or leaves the building will be documented, and the system will calculate the absence accordingly and uniformly across the district. Please keep this in mind as you schedule appointments for your children. It is always best to schedule appointments during non-school hours. Students are expected to be in class from 7:45 to 2:45 daily. If for any reason a student needs to leave early for an appointment, it is super important that a phone call or email is sent to the school. When a students caring adult comes to pick up we will have either called op we do need at least 1 hours notice, to allow time to contact a students classroom. Cannot Reach us directly? If you are unable to speak to us directly, please leave a message on the voice mail system. Be specific about who you are calling for, and why, including all symptoms if student is ill. The school Office 920-424-0172 Secretary
Attendance Secretary
School Nurse 920-424-0172 ext. 2203 |
VISITOR PROTOCOLSWhen entering our school, you will notice we have a brand new office. Our office is now located to the right after you enter the first set of double doors. When you arrive please ring our bell and we will answer and let you through the doors as needed. Visitors who will be leaving the office and entering the rest of the school will need to sign in on our Visitor Kiosk and receive a sticker Badge. After visitors are finished and ready to leave they can then sign out the same way. |
After School ProgramsThe school day ends at 2:45 and students must be picked up at that time. If you are unable to pick up your student at this time and they are not able to walk home, students must then be enrolled in one of the after care programs that are available. There is the YMCA after school program, which is held in house but run by the YMCA. Registration is done online at the If you do not have internet access you can contact Crystal Resop at (920)230-8912. The other after school program is the Boys & Girls club. A bus will pick them up from school and transport them to the club. Contact Lindsay Clark at or call the Boys & Girls Club at (920)-233-1414.
FUN + ONEAt Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church will be providing a fun day for the kids on days that are Professional Development for staff. They will provide meals while present and have many fun games and activities. They are open 7:45am - 2:45pm, students can be picked up early as well. There is a form that needs to be filled out to participate, you can find it HERE, or in the office. Mark your calendar for these dates.
MESSAGE FROM THE NURSE Read Families- We could use your help! The Health Office is greatly in need of clothing changes for our students here. Through past donations from staff and families, we have been able to supply extra socks, undergarments, pants, t-shirts and sweatshirts to those students who may need a change during the school day, for various reasons. Unfortunately, we are running very low on pants. If you happen to do a closet clean out and are willing to part with elementary school-sized student pants, we would be so grateful!!!
We are also requesting that our families send clothing in with your student to bring to store in their classroom. This will help limit our students need to go see the nurse. Students often spill things, play in puddles and even have accidents. With a change of clothes in their backpack or classroom they have the ability to change right away. THANK YOU in advance!!! |
FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH!!!! Did we really say free? Yes, you heard that right. Our school is one of the lucky locations to offer a free breakfast and milk, and a free hot lunch and milk. Breakfast is served in our classrooms starting at 7:45am. Snack milk or milk taken by students eating a lunch from home are still charged for. These come in at $0.40 a milk and get directly charged to your students food service account. Below is our current month's breakfast and lunch menu as well as a picture menu for our ESOL students.
Library News
October is Digital Citizenship and National Bullying Prevention Month Digital Citizenship week is October 16-20th. Digital Citizenship week will serve as a "kick off" for the OASD's digital citizenship curriculum. Our district uses lessons and concepts taught in Common Sense Media's K-12 Digital Citizenship curriculum. Check out a "sneak peek" of the first lessons here: K-5 Digital Citizenship Scope & Sequence 5 Safety Tips for Kids 1. Don’t give out personal information 2. Never send pictures to strangers 3. Keep passwords private, except for parents 4. Don’t download anything without your parents permission 5. Tell an adult if you receive a mean or strange message - don't respond and save the evidence |
Mrs. Urban'sCounselor CornerFor Mrs. Urban's Counselor News click HERE |
Did you know we have a Facebook Page? You can find updates on the playground progress, changes to pickup or drop off, fun facts and much more. You can find us at |
WEATHER REMINDER!!! Now that Autumn is here the weather will be getting colder. BRRRRR..... Please be sure to send your students to school with the appropriate layers per the temperature. If you are uncertain what it will be through out the day, students are welcome to bring a sweater and coat. They can then be hung on their hook or placed in their backpack. As a reminder on the dress code policy for weather. If the weather is below 50 degrees - a coat is required. If the weather is between 50 degrees and 60 degrees - long sleeves or a sweater is required. If the weather is above 60 degrees - no coat is required. |
Birthday Treats& InvitationsTreats: Edible birthday treats are NOT allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc. Invitations: Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class. If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too. We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school. |